Look! Two posts in one week - this may be a new record!
Just as saying "well I guess I better go" on a phone call makes you think of all kinds of things to talk about with the other person, apparently saying "I can't think of anything to blog about" makes you think of stuff too.
First of all, where is Cate's blog?! It has done the thing that Farmwife's did for a while. What's up with that?!
Secondly - Avast ye maties, I would like to wish you all a very happy national "Talk Like A Pirate" Day.
Captain Zann Bonney's log 06-09-18: This be the tale of the search for the lost cinnamon roll - hense forth known as the "booty" (cause that's what it would make larger anyway). Arrr yesterday, aye was pillaging the break room for some caffeinated grog when I came across a fine treasure buried in the snack machine. I was pleased with me find but left the treasure thar with hopes that I could return later in the day to claim it. Part of me hoped I could withstand the sweet treasures call and lead a life on the straight and narrrow. But alas as I set sail back at me desk, the curse of the cinnamon roll haunted me. I could almost taste it's sweet cake. It called to me from the depths of the 2nd floor. Finally, I gathered me pense and dropped anchor back to the second floor. But some scallewag had already claimed me treasure. It told meself, it were destiny - that I were not meant to have such a fine treasure to add to me booty.
But aye, today me hopes were renewed, I set sail for CVS with me shipmate. Surely, there be cinnamon treasure thar. But alas it aluded me once more. We then pulled along side the quiki mart and came aboard, even though we had seen the booty there before, their stores too were empty. I'm beginning to think the booty I saw with me patched eye yesterday were but an illusion. And if not, the scurvy dog that fills the snack machine should be keel hauled for tempting a hord of newsy pirates with just one of that type of confection.
So this is my third attempt at blogging but I think this time I may make it work. We'll see.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
I appologize for my absence. I'm reading. I just haven't been in the blogging spirit recently. A lot has been going on, but yet I can't think of anything to blog about. Some stuff seems too personal.. other stuff the people involved wouldn't want the world knowing about and other stuff is well..... just kinda boring. The other day while mowing I came up with all sorts of things but had no time to type them out. Now they seem too far in the distance to blog about. I've been working on the same post about Cryptozoology in draft form for over a week now. Maybe one day I'll finish and post it. There is just too much going on I think.
I got my hair cut a about a week ago. I like it okay, I guess. It is shorter than I've ever had it. And the curl is very healthy now. However, yesterday I felt like I looked a bit like carrot-top with brown hair. So I'm not sure if I'm still feeling the hair love or not.
I've been doing plenty of freelance work, which is great on the pocketbook but not on the freetime. And we are getting really close to the Intimate Issues conference at church, so there is a lot to be done for it. Not to mention our church is going through a bit of a transition period so there is a bit of upheavel with the other teams I work on as well.
I make it sound like such a chore, but I really do enjoy being involved with all of it. It is just when things start getting busy, the tasks start to seem a bit daunting. That is one thing I'm so dissappointed in the church (in the collective sense as in THE Church) is that everyone wants to reap the benefits, but no one wants to volunteer to do the work. We have such a small number of volunteers committed to some of the teams I'm on, that I'm reluctant to take a break because there is no one lined up to jump in to take care of the task. That is the "Martha" in me talking I realize. But sometimes I get a bit frustrated with it. It is not that we don't have a lot of volunteers and people serving - we do... but with the church the size of ours there really should be a lot more, and taking time off shouldn't be such a struggle. I don't suppose I can really talk. I was right there with them a couple of years ago. Not volunteering, not becoming a "part" of the church, not serving anywhere. But then I felt compelled one Sunday to sign up for the "Media team" and it was all down hill from there. I guess I should just pray for God to compell a few others. Or maybe there is a lesson in this. I'm hoping so, there's that theme of patience again. Just as many have been writing about recently.
There are some days when I wonder why I started a blog at all. Peer pressure is always my answer ;). I don't really have a lot to say to the outside world. I feel like I struggle to come up with stuff that doesn't give away too much of our personal life to make me a victim of identity theft or that would be remotely interesting. I struggle with being "real" here. I want to impress you... but I don't know why. I'm not really like that in "real" life. I don't try to keep up with the Jones or anything like that. But, I think it is because it is writing that I struggle with it. I'm always tempted to take on a "columnist" persona. I was the high school newspaper editor after all - sure that was over 10 years ago... but the temptation to write that way is still there.
And like many a writer, I struggle with endings. I start writing blog posts and then can't figure out how to end them. Sometimes I lose interest in my post before I ever get done with it. So maybe it's an ADD thing. (I've never officially been diagnosed with that but since my neice has it and she is a great deal like me... we tease that I probably have it too and just never knew it).
So I will end this here because a gazzillion different things are calling my name to get done. And I'm afraid my short attention span has run ...................
I got my hair cut a about a week ago. I like it okay, I guess. It is shorter than I've ever had it. And the curl is very healthy now. However, yesterday I felt like I looked a bit like carrot-top with brown hair. So I'm not sure if I'm still feeling the hair love or not.
I've been doing plenty of freelance work, which is great on the pocketbook but not on the freetime. And we are getting really close to the Intimate Issues conference at church, so there is a lot to be done for it. Not to mention our church is going through a bit of a transition period so there is a bit of upheavel with the other teams I work on as well.
I make it sound like such a chore, but I really do enjoy being involved with all of it. It is just when things start getting busy, the tasks start to seem a bit daunting. That is one thing I'm so dissappointed in the church (in the collective sense as in THE Church) is that everyone wants to reap the benefits, but no one wants to volunteer to do the work. We have such a small number of volunteers committed to some of the teams I'm on, that I'm reluctant to take a break because there is no one lined up to jump in to take care of the task. That is the "Martha" in me talking I realize. But sometimes I get a bit frustrated with it. It is not that we don't have a lot of volunteers and people serving - we do... but with the church the size of ours there really should be a lot more, and taking time off shouldn't be such a struggle. I don't suppose I can really talk. I was right there with them a couple of years ago. Not volunteering, not becoming a "part" of the church, not serving anywhere. But then I felt compelled one Sunday to sign up for the "Media team" and it was all down hill from there. I guess I should just pray for God to compell a few others. Or maybe there is a lesson in this. I'm hoping so, there's that theme of patience again. Just as many have been writing about recently.
There are some days when I wonder why I started a blog at all. Peer pressure is always my answer ;). I don't really have a lot to say to the outside world. I feel like I struggle to come up with stuff that doesn't give away too much of our personal life to make me a victim of identity theft or that would be remotely interesting. I struggle with being "real" here. I want to impress you... but I don't know why. I'm not really like that in "real" life. I don't try to keep up with the Jones or anything like that. But, I think it is because it is writing that I struggle with it. I'm always tempted to take on a "columnist" persona. I was the high school newspaper editor after all - sure that was over 10 years ago... but the temptation to write that way is still there.
And like many a writer, I struggle with endings. I start writing blog posts and then can't figure out how to end them. Sometimes I lose interest in my post before I ever get done with it. So maybe it's an ADD thing. (I've never officially been diagnosed with that but since my neice has it and she is a great deal like me... we tease that I probably have it too and just never knew it).
So I will end this here because a gazzillion different things are calling my name to get done. And I'm afraid my short attention span has run ...................
Saturday, September 09, 2006
After Dragon*Con
What an experience last weekend was. We had a fine time. Didn't get into any arguments or annoyances with our roomates/friends. Except for one time when my vivid imagination and lack of knowledge of how CPap machines work caused me and Jay to wake them up at 3AM to make sure a noise was normal and nothing malfunctioning to the point of being harmful. But they were really cool about it and didn't get mad or anything.
The costumes were incredible. Imagine the best costume party you've ever been to and then multipy that a few times.
We went to many interesting panels, rubbed shoulders with some celebrities (GhostHunters and Mythbusters, and some guy who played in the Mummy). I went to some panels that were like a big book club. It was fun to discuss the differences between the recent movies and their books.
There were a few annoyances for me. I certainly was not in my comfort zone, but we had a really good time.
While mowing yesterday (mowing gives me time to think and a good workout to boot) I started thinking about all I could blog about that I've thought of over the days since we got back, mostly inspired by things witnessed there. And I want you to know that I've written them down. So hopefully I'll get around to it before I forget what the note is for. But until then.. I will leave you with pictures of some of the incredible costumes.
For Cate my fellow "Nightmare" fan:

Did I ever mention that Spiderman was my pretend friend when I was little?

"Shhhhhhppp! Message for you sir!" "That's no ordinary rabbit!"

Just plain creative-

Of course there were tons of others, but that's all I'm going to post for now. If you do a search on flickr for Dragon*Con 2006 you can see tons more.. but I warn you they aren't all family friendly.. but I'll get into that in another blog entry.
The costumes were incredible. Imagine the best costume party you've ever been to and then multipy that a few times.
We went to many interesting panels, rubbed shoulders with some celebrities (GhostHunters and Mythbusters, and some guy who played in the Mummy). I went to some panels that were like a big book club. It was fun to discuss the differences between the recent movies and their books.
There were a few annoyances for me. I certainly was not in my comfort zone, but we had a really good time.
While mowing yesterday (mowing gives me time to think and a good workout to boot) I started thinking about all I could blog about that I've thought of over the days since we got back, mostly inspired by things witnessed there. And I want you to know that I've written them down. So hopefully I'll get around to it before I forget what the note is for. But until then.. I will leave you with pictures of some of the incredible costumes.
For Cate my fellow "Nightmare" fan:

Did I ever mention that Spiderman was my pretend friend when I was little?

"Shhhhhhppp! Message for you sir!" "That's no ordinary rabbit!"

Just plain creative-

Of course there were tons of others, but that's all I'm going to post for now. If you do a search on flickr for Dragon*Con 2006 you can see tons more.. but I warn you they aren't all family friendly.. but I'll get into that in another blog entry.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I've been Tagged.
First things first Cate I never got your email that you mentioned. The best way to reach me (and see some of my other work) is to go through my website Next Door Design that way the email will make it through my spam filter. We had so many messages when I returned home that I just emptied the SPAM file without even looking to see if anything had gotten in there by mistake this weekend.
We've arrived home safely from Dragon*Con. We had a good time. And I will blog about it later this week when I have some pictures uploaded to post with it. I will say the costumes were amazing, the place was really crowded, I listened to some interesting panels, saw some celebrities and had a good time. Don't know that I'll go back any time soon... but it was a really fun experience.
Now... until I get around to that I will do this.
A Wandering Heart Tagged me with this. I always find this sort of thing interesting. Feel free to play along either in the comments or in your own journal.
1. One book that changed your life:
The Daily Walk Bible - Because it was the first Bible that I understood what it was saying, and put things into context, and divided the Bible in a way that made it easy for me to do daily devotions.
2. One book that you’ve read more than once:
There aren't many. I'm a one time reader for the most part. But there are a few that I read over and over Hamlet, He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado, Sara Teasdale Book of Poetry, lots of kids books.
3. One book you’d want on a desert island:
my Bible, and probably something really long and complicated to keep me amused.
4. One book that made you laugh:
The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchet
5. One book that made you cry:
Cure for the Common Life, Intimate Issues
6. One book that you wish had been written:
Man/Woman translation dictionary
7. One book you wish had never been written:
After this weekend? Most stuff by Lovecraft
8. One book you’re currently reading: Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchet
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read:
Marley & Me, The Bromeliad Trilogy, Facing Your Giants, The rest of the Junie B. Jones books
10. Now tag five people:
And anyone else who would like to give it a whirl.
We've arrived home safely from Dragon*Con. We had a good time. And I will blog about it later this week when I have some pictures uploaded to post with it. I will say the costumes were amazing, the place was really crowded, I listened to some interesting panels, saw some celebrities and had a good time. Don't know that I'll go back any time soon... but it was a really fun experience.
Now... until I get around to that I will do this.
A Wandering Heart Tagged me with this. I always find this sort of thing interesting. Feel free to play along either in the comments or in your own journal.
1. One book that changed your life:
The Daily Walk Bible - Because it was the first Bible that I understood what it was saying, and put things into context, and divided the Bible in a way that made it easy for me to do daily devotions.
2. One book that you’ve read more than once:
There aren't many. I'm a one time reader for the most part. But there are a few that I read over and over Hamlet, He Still Moves Stones by Max Lucado, Sara Teasdale Book of Poetry, lots of kids books.
3. One book you’d want on a desert island:
my Bible, and probably something really long and complicated to keep me amused.
4. One book that made you laugh:
The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchet
5. One book that made you cry:
Cure for the Common Life, Intimate Issues
6. One book that you wish had been written:
Man/Woman translation dictionary
7. One book you wish had never been written:
After this weekend? Most stuff by Lovecraft
8. One book you’re currently reading: Witches Abroad by Terry Pratchet
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read:
Marley & Me, The Bromeliad Trilogy, Facing Your Giants, The rest of the Junie B. Jones books
10. Now tag five people:
And anyone else who would like to give it a whirl.
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